Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Beautiful Mess

By: Maria Katreena M. Eslava, RN

      Consider me lucky 'cause I'm inlove with my best friend.

      It's been a year since tear drops fell from my eyes when I uttered the words, "Yes, I love you." After 3 years of friendship, on March 24, 2012 (Tuesday), the night of my graduation ball, was the night my best friend had an added responsibility - becoming my boy friend. For me, it was the perfect night for a perfect couple to be officially together. I didn't plan any of this to happen, but I know destiny will still find a way to have our ways cross each other.

      I thought I would never love again. I thought all men are designed to love and just fool around. I thought I could not find the person who will patiently wait and mend my broken and skeptic heart. I just thought you would be the friend I really needed. I thought wrong. You are God's gift in disguise. He gave me you during my darkest days and you were His instrument in bringing me to the real world where love is a real emotion and not just a mere idea.

      You were a friend when I needed someone to talk to. You were a friend when I was alone. You were a friend when I didn't even want to have a friend. You saw all my flaws and yet embraced them. You saw just a glimpse of my good traits and yet chose to magnify them. You said you love me and until now, you stand by your word. We complement each other in a lot of things, let it be attitude, talents, or interests. You are not the perfect man, but, I can say, the right man for me.

      And now, we've been together already for a year. I would always joke around and tell you that I never imagined being in a relationship with you, and you would answer that you saw this coming even before. Law of attraction is, indeed, powerful, isn't it? :) It wasn't a smooth year; there were a lot of ups and downs, we both know that. But I am so grateful that you didn't give up on me.  Thank you for staying by my side despite all the hardships our relationship has gone through. Thank you for making me part of your world and making the effort of being part of mine, as well. Thank you for simply loving me unconditionally.

      To the person who knows all the bad things I hide in my closet yet ignores them. To the person who sees all the goodness in me and focuses on my positive traits. To the person who tells me the right thing to do instead of telling me the wrong things I've done. To the person who motivates me to go after my dreams. To the person who gets mad at my wrong actions but gives me a hug to catch me whenever I stumble and learn from those mistakes.

      To the person who loves me for who I am and not only for what I've done and become. To the person who supports me in my passion. To the person who never used his strength to yell at me or hurt me despite the bad moods. To the person who makes me feel so special like no one else exists in the world but me. To the person who never brings up bad things and hardships from the past.

      To the person who focuses at the present time and foresees a bright future. To the person who loves his family so much. To the person who loves selflessly. To the person who gives generously. To the person who forgives unconditionally. To the person who I can run to anytime and trust my thoughts with. To the person who is my best friend. To the person I love so dearly. To my Sun and Stars.

My Babe,
I Love You.

Happy Anniversary!